All education systems are anchored in local cultures, practices, and administration. However, we are excited to collaborate with our clients, tailoring and integrating the most fitting aspects to align seamlessly with local contexts. Our service and product providers also assist in localising the services to meet local conditions effectively.

Member companies of Education Finland programme have complete service and product packages that combines the physical and digital dimensions of inspiring classroom and learning environments – architecture, design, technology – with the intangible aspects of education, from pedagogically just, high-quality teacher training and staff development to creative, self-motivating and active learning.

Services can include professional development programs for teachers and school leaders; the knowledge and practical skills they need to improve e.g. teaching and student learning, pedagogic use of education technology and games, use of modern learning environments, new systems for assessment and evaluation of learning performance, software and mobile applications for schools, as well as digital learning content and resources. There are also tailored services for hybrid learning environments and use of artificial intelligence for better-tailored learning processes.

Our offering

Early childhood education and care

Finnish early childhood education and care comprises care, education and teaching to support children’s balanced growth, development and learning.

Basic education

In the Finnish education system, formal primary education starts in the year a child turns seven years old. In the year prior, at the age of six, the child participates in mandatory pre-primary education.

General upper secondary education

General upper secondary Education is flexibly organised.

Vocational education and training

Finland benefits from a sound track record in high-quality vocational education, and this expertise can be successfully transferred to other countries and localized to yield the best results.

Higher education

Finland reaps the rewards of world-leading teacher training and pedagogical practices, and the country’s outstanding higher education institutions offer a wide range of degree programs, training courses and modules to enhance the abilities of trainee teachers and other education professionals.

Non-formal education

Adult Education is very popular, the participation rate is high also in international terms.

Professional development

Education and training for various needs for companies and organisations

Services related to teacher professional development
Education Finland member companies are able to share Finnish expertise in teacher education, helping teachers reach a new level in their professional development. See what services are available for teacher training
Finnish School Concepts
Are you seeking to have your school validated as Finnish-Enriched or Finnish International School?