The consortium, ‘Koulu’ (Finnish for ‘school’) led by the construction consultancy companies Mace and Gleeds from the UK, includes as Finnish partners AFRY, Polar Partners, LMA and ISKU. Polar partners, LMA and ISKU are all members of the Education Finland programme, and AFRY is a leading European engineering and design company with a global reach within energy, industry, infrastructure, and information technology.

On Friday 5.11.2021 the UK Government signed a G2G agreement with the Government of Peru to support the delivery of this programme. The Ambassador of Finland was present in the signing ceremony marking the important participation of Finnish companies in the project.
The consortium has been appointed by the PEIP-EB, a special entity set up by Peru’s Ministry of Education (MINEDU).
The programme includes the construction of 59 schools in the Metropolitan Lima and Callao area as well as 16 emblematic schools across Cajamarca, Cusco, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Puno and Ucayali.
Drawing on Finland’s track record in delivering one of the world’s highest quality education systems, the Finnish consortium members will bring their pedagogical competence in the knowledge transfer & training process as well as on the design of Peru’s new learning environments as part of the programme.
The British companies will bring expertise across the project lifecycle and local supply chain knowledge to provide Project Management Office (PMO) services, technical assurance, procurement and knowledge transfer services that will improve capacity and capability across the Peruvian public sector. The British companies will also provide project management services across the construction phase, bringing their global experience to support PEIP in delivering the schools to time, cost and quality.
Knowledge transfer is at the heart of the UK and Finland’s approach to the PEIP programme of work, as well as a shared interest in assuring the resilience and sustainability of the projects, helping to improve education outcomes for young people in Peru.
Mr. Jukka Pietikäinen, Finnish Ambassador in Lima, said:
- We are delighted and proud to be part of this project. Finland believes in the importance of international collaboration, and, thus, we hope that this project will strengthen our ties with the Perúvian educational sector. The Finnish companies AFRY, Polar Partners, LMA, and ISKU have solid international experience exporting Finland's education know-how in designing school infrastructure, modern learning environments, school furniture and training teachers with the best international standards. I rest assured this project will mark a key milestone in Finnish education exports worldwide, especially in Latin America.
Further information:
Maria Haapaniemi, CEO & Co-Founder
+358 50 3611 510